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The Executive Board


Anirudh Satish

Chairperson of UNSC

If you have met someone who is a brilliant FIFA player, extraordinary prankster and a genuine Manchester United fan - you have most definitely not met Anirudh Satish

If however, you’ve come across someone with a love for directives, an affinity for Crisis Committees and a FIFA superiority complex, you’ve met Anirudh. An avid MUNner with a passion for international relations, he’s guaranteed to keep you thinking on your feet whether he’s discussing nuclear disarmament or the demerits of short hair ( it’s only useful if it can be whipped back and forth apparently). He’s approachable, outgoing and loves a well executed prank ( though he can't pull one to save his  life).A staunch supporter of Manchester United ( or so he likes to claim) one of his favourite pastimes is insulting Liverpool’s lineup. With a penchant for fast paced debate, a well rounded understanding of world affairs and a just a touch of craziness your Deputy Secretary General and Vice Chair of HSC has got you covered if you're looking for an energetic and productive two days at CHSVMUN 2018!



Kailu Orton

Chairperson UNHRC

Considered by most to be a fun and jovial person, Kailu is quite the opposite when it comes to MUNs.His aggressive attitude and ability to concoct solutions out of thin air are what make him a great delegate. He does occasionally enjoy using humour to lighten the mood in committee and this is what makes him perfect for the position. Extremely friendly and easy to talk to, the delegates of SPECPOL should have no problem approaching him with queries or problems.Having attended 12 MUN conferences with 9 award and chairing 7 MUNs, kailu has been in more than 8 different kinds of committees making him one of the most versatile delegates in the circuit. Apart from his passion for debate and MUN, kailu loves playing video games and programming. Prepare yourself for 2 exhilarating days full of surprises in SPECPOL, because with kailu incharge who knows what could happen?

Karthika Elangovan

Chairperson of UNSC

Karthika Ellangovan is in her final year of schooling at Bhavans Rajaji Vidhyahsram. She is an avid debater and MUNner who also heads The Debate Club, Chennai. She begun on her illustrious and success laden in 2016 and hasn't looked past since. She has won an award in every MUN since her 4th. Having been to 12 conferences so far, 8 consecutive wins is no small feat. Karthika is quite frequent in the college MUN circuit and wishes to bring the same quality of debate towards the school. Her niche lies in the Security Council, having a predilection for military affairs. She is also a strong advocate of diplomacy and believes it to be a very important tool in every walk of life and expects it to be given paramount importance in the upcoming conference.


Besides MUN, Karthika is a voracious reader, being extremely passionate about international relations and politics, a guitarist (heavy metal being her genre of choice) who has a band based out in Chennai called The Lazarus Project, a massive Metallica fan (oh yes she has good taste), and lastly a die hard Gooner who will always be Wenger In.

Chiranjeev Ravichandran

Chairperson of CCS



Madhav Sridhar

Chairperson UNEP

Madhav Sridhar is a CS student who has just passed out of PSBB KK Nagar, and is all set to pursue design in Bangalore. He has attended 12 conferences, both as a delegate and as part of the executive board and specialises in environmental and crisis committees. When he's not binge-watching TV shows or watching football, you can find him either showcasing his photography on Instagram, designing posters or watching tech videos on YouTube. An ardent Arsenal supporter, any '4' jokes in his committee will be severely marked down - while terribly good puns and meme references will earn you brownie points! Having served as the Quiz Club Secretary of his school, he is fuelled by an innate desire to learn and get to know how things work. He believes that the ability to think on your feet is an equally important aspect when it comes to Model UNs, while not dismissing the necessity of solid preparation. Expect his committee to be lively, while not compromising on procedure or quality.

Priyamvadha Sundar

Chairperson CCC

Richard Feynman once said " universe of atoms,an atom in the universe"is a quote by Richard Feyman.The guest chairperson of CCC Priyamvadha Sundar lives by this quote and accordingly believes in the importance of collective good and consensus in fueling this world forward. Having attended 13 MUNs with 10 awards and 3 as executive board she aims to provide the best experience for the delegates inside of committee. As far as committee is concerned she believes that anyone can research,collect facts but only a good delegate can make an impact with them. CCC also additionally requires adaptabilty and quick thinking. Hoping for a great committee session.

Anirudh T.K.

Chairperson SPECPOL

Anirudh TK. Anirudh, often called Teeks, is the kind of person who has EDM blazing in the background when he dominates the competition. Currently in the 12th standard at Sri Sankara Adyar, pursuing the Computer Science stream; he has been MUNing since the 9th standard having been to over 10 conferences both national and international with several awards to take credit for. He believes that research and confidence are the best tools at your disposal to put your best foot forward in committee. He is a purist at heart when it comes to Rules of Procedure and appreciates delegates who act diplomatically in committee. When not in a MUN conference, he listens to a lot of EDM although Borgeous, Yellow Claw, Ookay and deadmau5 feature often in his playlists. He loves reading up on current affairs and half his phone battery is used up by apps like BBC and Reuters alone. Any Silicon Valley or Game of Thrones references will definitely get you into his good books, and he believes that learning through MUNs while having fun is the best reason to continue the activity. Look forward to a great conference experience with Anirudh at the Executive Board!

H.P Pranesh

Chairperson CCC

The quote “Great things come in small packages“ perfectly describes the chairperson of CCC: Hp Pranesh. An aspiring lawyer, ardent MUNner, Quizzer, and debater, he has attended over 20 MUNs over the past 3 years and has also been making quite an impact on the Culturals Scene this year. Intelligent, quick witted and approachable, conversations with him are never dull, and often filled with puns and references. In his spare time, he can be found with his nose in a book or catching up on TV shows.

Srivatsan Krishnan

Chairperson SPECPOL

Srivatsan Krishnan is a college student, currently studying in Shiv Nadar University. His MUN career is rich in experience, having attended 25 MUNs, 18 as a delegate and 7 as an Executive Board member. He has also bagged multiple awards with over 16 awards in the 18 MUNs he attended as a delegate. His expertise lies in humanitarian and crisis committees but does not hesitate to explore new committees and new topics of debate. You can expect Srivatsan to be an excellent chair and extremely approachable. Overall he is ready to make SPECPOL an interesting, enriching and fun experience!

Arryan Athreya

Chairperson ECOSOC

Armed with an impressive MUN career consisting of nearly 20 MUNs, Aaryyan Aathreya sure has the perfect ingredients for the Guest Chairperson Chair of Ecosoc on a plate. A die hard fan of Gautham Menon and Ajith Kumar, Aryan also calls himself a Rahmaniac. His leisure time is spent binge watching friends and listening to the Backstreet Boys. His culinary skills know no bounds as Aryan, being a foodie, also sees himself as a Chef owning a restaurant in the Maldives. Do make sure to ask this Marco Pierre White devotee what's cooking in the committee as he insists on discussing global issues from a different perspective. Aaryyan Aathreya , is a man with substance and purpose and is nothing short of a perfectionist. He looks forward to amazing Conference over a span of two days with good debate.

Vyshnavi Praveen

Chairperson ECOSOC


From Chennai, to Delhi to Madrid, Vyshnavi has sure made her mark in the MUN circuit Vyshnavi, fondly called vysh may appear shy and compact from the outside , but that's only until committee commences , confident and well versed in her research , Vyshnavi is definitely someone to watch out for. Having attended over 15 conferences both as a delegate and as a part of the executive board, and having won in almost all of them,she definitely is not somebody to mess around with. Vyshnavi loves public speaking and is an aspiring lawyer . An avid lover of books , all one has to do to impress her is praise Daenerys Targaryen.Vyshnavi may be compact in size, but is monstrous in intellect. She is very approachable and inhumanly nice by nature. Delegates of ECOSOC , you are sure to have a great time in committee with her Chairing!

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